FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Cost to remove Pebble equipment, materials on State-owned Bristol Bay lands estimated at $2 million

ANCHORAGE, AK – As Pebble Limited Partnership applied for new permits with the State early this month, an engineering consulting firm hired by Bristol Bay lodges, HMS Consulting, has estimated it could cost more than $2 million to clean up and reclaim Pebble’s storage facilities on State-owned land, assuming no weather or other unanticipated delays.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Independent review finds on-going contamination from Pebble exploration

DILLINGHAM, AK – Today, an independent scientific report commissioned by the United Tribes of Bristol Bay revealed the company behind the proposed Pebble Mine has failed to properly close and reclaim past drill wells located at the headwaters of Bristol Bay. Scientists found acidic soils with high metal concentrations, leaking wells, dead vegetation, and improper drill casing closures at inspected drill sites; all causes of concern for safety and water quality in Bristol Bay.