Presshost — Save Bristol Bay

Environmental Protection Agency

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Sportsmen applaud Inspector General report of EPA conduct during Bristol Bay Watershed Assessment

ANCHORAGE, AK – Sportsmen and Bristol Bay business owners today celebrate the release of a report by an independent federal watchdog, the Inspector General, which determined the U.S. Environmental Protection agency acted fairly in its conduct during the Bristol Bay Watershed Assessment, the findings of which ultimately directed the Agency to limit mining activities in Bristol Bay due to its unacceptable risk on wild salmon, clean water and a thriving fish-based economy.

The EPA Is Right to Be Careful About Pebble Mine Plan

Bristol Bay is a wild and largely undisturbed watershed that is home to the world’s greatest sockeye salmon fishery. It’s an economic powerhouse supporting 14,000 jobs and a subsistence way of life for Bristol Bay’s Alaska Natives for more than 4,000 years.