Restaurants and Salmon-Lovers — Save Bristol Bay

Photo by Travis Rummel

Salmon is a favorited delicacy in the United States, yet not all salmon are created equal. The salmon from Bristol Bay are revered by both professional chefs and home-cooks alike. Lauded for being exceptionally nutritious and delicious, their superior quality, flavor, and sustainability story makes these fish the obvious choice for culinary excellence. Top restaurants across the globe embrace Bristol Bay salmon. Here are some reasons why you should too:

Wild Caught and Never Farmed - Harvested by hard working fishermen directly from the high seas of the Pacific, the salmon of Bristol Bay are as wild and pure as they get. Unlike their farmed counterparts, these salmon are free-range, swimming out their lives in pristine watersheds and fattening up off of natural food sources. Farmed salmon on the other hand are raised in polluted and crowded pens, pumped full of pesticides and antibiotics. While there is no official “organic” certification for fish, Bristol Bay salmon are without doubt as fresh and healthy as they get. 

Superior Nutrition and Taste - Captain Steve, co-owner of Wild for Salmon, describes Bristol Bay sockeye as “the performance athlete of the sea.” With that high of praise, it’s no wonder that these salmon are one of the most nutritionally dense food options out there. Salmon are packed with omega-3 fatty acids, protein, and other essential vitamins such as D, B12, and selenium. Bristol Bay salmon specifically have an exceptionally high fat content, giving them a rich and distinctive flavor. After spending years circling the northern Pacific, these fish swim thousands of miles to return to Bristol Bay and are harvested at the peak of their lifecycle. By eating them, you retain some of that remarkable salmon strength yourself.

Boat-To-Table Cooking - For those tuned into the restaurant world, it is common knowledge that “farm-to-table” culinary experiences are more popular than ever. Consumers are increasingly more concerned about where their food comes from. While taste and quality are still critical, the story of where food comes from is equally as important. Multiple boats that participate in the Bristol Bay salmon fishery took note of this demand and heeded the call. Wild for Salmon and Pride of Bristol Bay are two examples of businesses whose whole business model revolves around making it as convenient as possible to receive wild caught sustainable salmon right to your doorstep. 

How do I cook Bristol Bay Salmon?

For home-cooks, learning how to cook salmon can be an intimidating prospect. Even more so when it is as high quality and prized as the salmon of Bristol Bay. Click here and here for directions on how to care for your frozen fish, along with inspiration for recipes.



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