Statement on Pres. Obama's measure to protect Bristol Bay from oil & gas leasing — Save Bristol Bay

Statement on Pres. Obama's measure to protect Bristol Bay from oil & gas leasing

December 16, 2014
Today, President Obama permanently protected the offshore areas of Bristol Bay from oil&gas drilling and exploration. This is an important step in protecting the culture and fish-based jobs of this productive region, and an esteemed acknowledgement of the sustainable salmon resource that thrives in Bristol Bay. 

Trout Unlimited applauds the Obama Administration for realizing the importance of Bristol Bay to the Alaskan and American economy, and congratulates the people of the region who have worked hard to secure these protections.

Now the need for protecting the region’s headwater streams from the Pebble Mine is clearer than ever. Headwater streams are where Bristol Bay’s salmon spawn, and are critical to the health of the resource and sustainable industry in Bristol Bay. The Clean Water Act section 404(c) is the next logical step to ensure that Bristol Bay continues to thrive for many years to come.

We look forward to continuing to work with the people of Bristol Bay to secure additional protections for the region, from headwaters to open ocean. We will continue to work tirelessly to ensure that Bristol Bay’s salmon and clean rivers are around for future generations to use and enjoy.  
If you have not already done so, please contact your elected leaders using this form to tell them you support Clean Water Act protections for Bristol Bay from threats posed by Pebble Mine.
Nell Williams
Deputy Director
Trout Unlimited - Alaska Program
