Alaskans: Comment on Pebble's new permits before Dec. 1! — Save Bristol Bay

Alaskans: Comment on Pebble's new permits before Dec. 1!

A landlord would never rent out their property to strangers without a security deposit. But, despite overwhelming statewide opposition, the State of Alaska has a history of doing just that for the Pebble Mine.

Governor Walker now has a chance to change this and stand up for Alaskans: Tell the Administration to stop rubber stamping Pebble’s permits and ensure Bristol Bay's salmon, cultures, and economy are protected.

For more than a decade, the State of Alaska has given Pebble permission to explore with little oversight or accountability.  Governor Walker campaigned on a promise to listen to Alaskans and find a state solution to protecting Bristol Bay’s fisheries from the proposed Pebble mine. Now is the time for the Governor to follow through and take action!

An example of Pebble's equipment sticking up above the tundra. 

An example of Pebble's equipment sticking up above the tundra. 

Pebble continues to leave their equipment on public land. Meanwhile, inspections by the Alaska Department of Natural Resources (DNR) confirm that some of Pebble’s 1,300 drill holes—many over a mile deep—continue to leak pollutants into our water and salmon streams. Still, there are no plans in sight to clean it up, leaving Alaskans on the hook for Pebble’s mess.

You read that right: if the nearly-bankrupt Pebble Partnership goes under, Alaskans will have to pick up the bill for the Company’s mess they left on our land.

Today, you can help hold Pebble accountable. Pebble has just applied for new state permits to continue its toxic business in Bristol Bay. Tell Governor Walker and DNR that Pebble’s time is up!