FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: American consumers can help protect Bristol Bay when buying wild sockeye salmon this summer — Save Bristol Bay

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: American consumers can help protect Bristol Bay when buying wild sockeye salmon this summer

May 18, 2016

Nelli Williams, Alaska Program Director, Trout Unlimited (907) 230-7121 or
Matt Luck, Founder, Pride of Bristol Bay (208) 720-4226 or

American consumers can help protect Bristol Bay when buying wild sockeye salmon this summer

Bristol Bay, Alaska watershed benefits from Pride of Bristol Bay partnership.

ANCHORAGE, AK – Today, Pride of Bristol Bay will begin accepting online reservations for its Buying Club, delivering sustainable Bristol Bay sockeye direct to consumers and chefs in communities across the country including Hailey, Ketchum and Boise, Idaho; Jackson, Wyo; Burlington and Warren, Vt; Brunswick, Rockland, Vinalhaven and Northhaven, Maine; and Orleans and Westport, Mass.
The company, founded by fisherman Matt Luck in 2015, will donate 10 percent of all profits to Trout Unlimited’s Save Bristol Bay program. The Save Bristol Bay program is aimed at protecting Bristol Bay, Alaska’s pristine watershed and wild salmon populations from the Pebble Mine; a proposed open-pit mine in the headwaters of Bristol Bay’s most productive salmon rivers. This unique partnership allows consumers in the lower 48 to buy wild Alaska sockeye salmon direct from fishermen, while also helping protect the world’s largest sockeye salmon fishery.

In response to Pride of Bristol Bay’s pledge to support the Save Bristol Bay program, Trout Unlimited’s Alaska Program released the following statement:


“Trout Unlimited is thrilled to partner with Pride of Bristol Bay to bring a little bit of Bristol Bay into the homes and onto the grills of salmon lovers across the country.
“Bristol Bay’s rich fishing history and famous salmon runs have captured the hearts of Americans around the country, including President Obama who visited Bristol Bay last fall. By purchasing their salmon from Pride of Bristol Bay, consumers can feel good about where their salmon comes from while also supporting critical work to ensure that this national treasure is around for future generations to use and enjoy.
“Buying Bristol Bay sockeye salmon sends a strong message that wild salmon matter to Americans. It's an investment in our nation’s health and in the cold, clean rivers that wild salmon require. While progress has been made to protect this world-class fishery, we still have more work to do. Luckily, eating Bristol Bay sockeye is one easy and delicious way supporters in the Lower 48 can help. Pride of Bristol Bay’s Buying Club program is a great way to make Bristol Bay sockeye more accessible to Americans and encourage people to vote with their forks for Bristol Bay’s fishery and communities.”

To learn more about Pride of Bristol Bay and reserve a share of sustainable Britsol Bay, Alaska sockeyevisit:
For those who do not live in the above communities, Pride of Bristol Bay’s online ordering and national home delivery program commences September 15, 2016.


Trout Unlimited is the nation’s oldest and largest coldwater fisheries conservation organization dedicated to conserving, protecting and restoring North America’s trout and salmon and their watersheds. Follow TU on Facebook and Twitter, and visit us online at or at
Pride of Bristol Bay explores sensible solutions to create efficient, affordable sourcing of wild, sustainable salmon to consumers, chefs and restaurants nationwide. Learn more and reserve your share at or find us on Facebook.

Header image by Chris Miller