FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Bristol Bay sportsmen to U.S. House Committee on Natural Resources: Hearing misses the mark on Pebble Mine — Save Bristol Bay

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Bristol Bay sportsmen to U.S. House Committee on Natural Resources: Hearing misses the mark on Pebble Mine

Save Bristol Bay is posting this on behalf of our friends at Sportsman's Alliance for Alaska.

June 21, 2016


Scott Hed, Sportsman’s Alliance for Alaska

Nelli Williams, Trout Unlimited’s Alaska Program 907-230-7121

Bristol Bay sportsmen to U.S. House Committee on Natural Resources: Hearing misses the mark on Pebble Mine

KING SALMON, AK – In response to the hearing held this morning at 10:00 am EST by the U.S. House Committee on Natural Resources regarding the proposed Pebble Mine, a letter signed by business owners representing over a dozen lodge owners who operate in Bristol Bay was sent to House Committee Chairman Bishop and Congressmen Young.

John Holman, a letter signer and second generation owner of No See Um Lodge on the Kvichak River, released the following statement:

“It’s ridiculous that Pebble Mine backers continue to be granted a political stage to tout the mine on, particularly at this time of year. We just need Pebble to go away so we can run our businesses without a giant threat hanging over our shoulders. It’s that simple.”

A letter signed by 15 national sportsmen’s organizations was also sent to the Committee Chairman Bishop. The discussion on Pebble is embedded in the hearing’s larger topic: the role of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) in permitting.

NEPA review of the Pebble Mine would commence if Pebble applied for permits necessary to begin construction on the mine. For over a decade, Pebble has promised to apply for these permits but has failed to follow through. Nothing is preventing Pebble from entering the NEPA process at this time.


Sportsmen for Bristol Bay represents thousands of businesses, organizations and sportsmen and women who are working to protect Bristol Bay from the Pebble Mine. See more online at