FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Opposition to Pebble Mine reiterated by local tribes, fishermen, business owners — Save Bristol Bay

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Opposition to Pebble Mine reiterated by local tribes, fishermen, business owners

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Opposition to Pebble Mine reiterated by local tribes, fishermen, business owners

Threats to American jobs and cultures by proposed project unchanged despite shifting federal politics.

January 24, 2017

Contact: Alannah Hurley, Executive Director, United Tribes of Bristol Bay: (907) 843-1633

 DILLINGHAM, AK - Following the inauguration of President Donald Trump, and given recent media concerning Pebble Limited Partnership’s sole Canadian-owned investor, Northern Dynasty Minerals, local tribes, fishermen and business owners reiterated their continued long-term opposition to the Pebble Mine due to its threats to Bristol Bay’s salmon fishery and thousands of American jobs. 

In response to recent news, Alannah Hurley, Executive Director of United Tribes of Bristol Bay stated: 

“The Pebble Partnership has proven yet again the desperate measures they are willing to go to try and resuscitate the Pebble Mine. In the last decade, they’ve broken every promise, misrepresented, and harassed the people of Bristol Bay time and time again. They continue to lie about the overwhelming opposition to Pebble in Bristol Bay to appeal to investors, disrespecting our region yet again. Regardless of federal politics, the people of Bristol Bay remain steadfast in our dedication to protecting Bristol Bay and in opposition to mines like Pebble that threaten our traditional way of life. We are anticipating welcoming home over 40 million salmon in 2017 and will continue the fight to protect our watershed as we have for countless generations.”

In response to recent news, Melanie Brown, commercial fisherman and member of Commercial Fishermen for Bristol Bay stated:

“Opposing Pebble Mine is about protecting American jobs and a global supply of seafood. For years, commercial fishermen from Bristol Bay, Alaska, and the nation have spoken up saying that they do not want the world’s greatest sockeye fishery harmed by Pebble. Opposition to Pebble has nothing to do with federal overreach. Any administration should recognize the will of the local people and not put an American economic powerhouse at risk for foreign interests.”

In response to recent news, Nanci Morris Lyon, manager of Alaska Sportsman’s Bear Trail Lodge stated:

“The Canadian-owned Pebble Partnership has demonstrated time and again that they care only about their profits and not about American citizens and local residents. Their willingness to say anything to raise money proves this once again. Our leaders in Washington, D.C. have a decision to make; are they going to put Americans first and stand with local business owners and residents and our jobs, or are they going to listen to a foreign company’s efforts to entice investors?”

The Pebble Mine project continues to face widespread opposition including over 65 percent of Alaskans. More importantly, Bristol Bay residents overwhelmingly oppose the Pebble Mine with over 80 percent regional opposition, including Bristol Bay Native Corporation, Bristol Bay Native Association (31 tribes), Bristol Bay Economic Development Corporation (17 tribes), United Tribes of Bristol Bay (14 tribes), and Nunamta Aulukestai (14 Alaska Native Village Corporations) being among the list of those officially opposed to the Pebble Mine. The project is being pursued at the headwaters of Bristol Bay by a junior Canadian mining company. Bristol Bay is the world’s largest producer of wild sockeye salmon and supports a commercial fishing-based economy valued at over $1.5 billion per year, and supports over 14,000 full and part-time American jobs.


United Tribes of Bristol Bay is a tribal consortium working to protect the Yup’ik, Denai’na, and Alutiq way of life and the Bristol Bay watershed from large-scale mining. Learn more about our work at or on Facebook

Commercial Fishermen for Bristol Bay is a coalition of over 100 fishing organizations and thousands of individual fishermen working to protect the 14,000 jobs, more than $500 million in annual income, and over half the world’s wild sockeye salmon provided by Bristol Bay’s 125 year sustainable fishery. Learn more at

Trout Unlimited is the nation’s oldest and largest coldwater fisheries conservation organization. In Alaska, we work with sportsmen and women to ensure the state’s trout and salmon resources remain healthy through our local chapters and offices in Anchorage and Juneau. Follow TU on Facebook or visit us online at and