The dumbest mine on earth is one step closer to reality — Save Bristol Bay

The dumbest mine on earth is one step closer to reality

The dumbest mine on earth is one step closer to reality

What do you get when you mix an estimated $300 billion worth of recoverable gold, copper and molybdenum together with a governmental system of application and permitting that is unreasonably influenced and corrupted by powerful special interests? An immortal, ecocidal incubus—otherwise known as Pebble Mine—that will, seemingly endlessly, force a broad, diverse coalition of native Alaskans, commercial fishermen, recreational anglers, hunters, birders, hikers and lovers of wild places from all walks of life to present determined resistance against the foreign mining company seeking to build one of the world's largest open pit mines at the headwaters of the Kvichak and Nushagak rivers in Bristol Bay, Alaska.

Read the full article from Hatch Magazine at this link.
