Sportsmen criticize initial step by EPA to remove proposed Bristol Bay protections — Save Bristol Bay

Sportsmen criticize initial step by EPA to remove proposed Bristol Bay protections


Contact: Nelli Williams, Trout Unlimited (907) 230-7121, 

Sportsmen criticize initial step by EPA to remove proposed Bristol Bay protections 

ANCHORAGE, AK - Today, a memo was released by EPA General Counsel directing its Region 10 office to resume the withdrawal process for the 2014 proposed determination, which added upfront protections for the rich natural resources of the Bristol Bay region from threatening mining proposals like the Pebble Mine.  

In response to today’s step by EPA, Trout Unlimited issued the following statement:  

“The proposed determination was supported by thousands of Alaskans and millions of Americans because the Bristol Bay region is an extremely unique and valuable asset to Alaskans, as well as the rest of our country. If the EPA reverses this important document, they are not only failing their legal responsibility to protect human health and clean water, but they are failing the people of Alaska and sacrificing jobs, Alaskan way of life, and world-class hunting and fishing opportunity for a risky mine proposal,” said Nelli Williams, Alaska director of Trout Unlimited. 

“We need leadership, not politics. We need science, reason and a robust public process, not political favors that hurt Alaskans. The majority of Alaskans that consistently oppose Pebble mine are looking to our elected officials to fix this process that is failing us. We need safeguards for our fished-based economy, and we demand a rigorous, fair review in Bristol Bay, not the reckless one we’ve been given so far.” 


Trout Unlimited is the nation’s oldest and largest coldwater fisheries conservation organization dedicated to conserving, protecting and restoring North America’s trout and salmon and their watersheds. Follow TU on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram and our blog for all the latest information on trout and salmon conservation. For more information on the Save Bristol Bay campaign go to