Alaska's Bristol Bay is 3,614 miles from Burlington as the crow flies, and a world away in terms of its remote landscape of swirling gray water and snow-capped peaks. But it's a place a growing number of Vermonters are getting to know, thanks to fisherman Matt Luck's business selling wild-caught salmon directly to gourmands in Burlington and the Mad River Valley.
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: American consumers can help protect Bristol Bay when buying wild sockeye salmon this summer
ANCHORAGE, AK – Today, Pride of Bristol Bay will begin accepting online reservations for its Buying Club, delivering sustainable Bristol Bay sockeye direct to consumers and chefs in communities across the country including Hailey, Ketchum and Boise, Idaho; Jackson, Wyo; Burlington and Warren, Vt; Brunswick, Rockland, Vinalhaven and Northhaven, Maine; and Orleans and Westport, Mass.
Set netter with a mission hits the Iditarod Trail
Bristol Bay's rivers, rich salmon runs still need permanent protection
The buzz this time of year around the state is astonishing. The fish are running and Alaskans are filling their freezers and bellies with fresh, delicious salmon. Here in Bristol Bay, the touted banner run had us holding our breath early in the season, but now they've arrived just like they have each summer.